Our Projects

Machaseh’s work consists of humanitarian aid, counseling and therapy. All people who come to us are received with love and understanding. Through conversations with them, we work to find out what help is needed on all levels. In many cases this includes counseling or therapy. We have a team of professionals who provide this service. According to the needs of the person, we offer individual therapy and counseling. Therapy for couples and families in crisis, as well as group therapy is available for those who might benefit from such modalities.
The humanitarian aid we provide includes a weekly drop-in day when people in need can come to receive clothing and food. Some families in need also receive sponsorships for a certain period of time, with the aim that they will be able to stand on their own feet after the period has ended. We provide housing for homeless. We cooperate with social services, as we receive people from them, and also refer people on to other services as indicated. We work closely with our lawyers, when legal aid and advice is needed.
In addition, we work to promote values of respect, peace and equality between women and men. We arrange seminars on subjects such as domestic violence. In all our relations, whether it is with social services, congregations or organizations we are clear on our core values.
Our services are provided regardless of race, creed, religion, nationality or gender of recipients, and without adverse distinction of any kind.