Our clothing distribution center received a plethora of donations this fall from our international and local friends. We even received lovely, hand-knitted items to distribute!
Winter is slowly making its way into Israel, bringing with it much needed rains and cooler temperatures. It was decided that we would share the generous donations of warm clothing not only with our distribution center visitors, but also with our ministry partners in the land.
We delivered ten boxes and bags of infant thru adult clothes for distribution in Arad. The Ark in the Negev (a Teen Challenge ministry) has a ministry to the local bedouins and will take the clothing to them.
Bead Chaim is a crisis pregnancy center that offers many services, including the provision of infant and baby supplies. Their clients' babies will be warm and styling in their cozy sleepers and hand- knitted gear.
Anat from the Red Carpet Center picked up four boxes that we prepared for her clients. She works in Tel Aviv with victims of prostitution and sex trafficking.
This is one small way that we, with your help, can support our community partners and the people they serve. Thank you!

The Machaseh family sends our warmest regards,
with a prayer that you have a meaningful
Chanukah and Christmas season!