“Blessing the poor and needy of Jerusalem and beyond with the LOVE of YESHUA!”
This is a good description of the Machaseh Distribution Center. We are so thankful for the open door that the LORD has provided to help these needy people in our City. AND, it is a very happening place!
Many times our clientele are standing or sitting just outside the door waiting for us to open. Soon they are talking and sharing stories before they even enter. Our aim is to meet the deeper need of their hearts. They find, not only free food and clothing, but also a listening ear, coffee, tea, a warm hug and a prayer if they want it.
Make no mistake about it, there is never a dull moment at the Machaseh Distribution Center!!! We have special Servants who serve with JOY and just plain FUN! See what we mean.

We want to share this opportunity with those of you who would like to partner with us in this ministry opportunity. It ís not everyday that we are able to share directly with the people who are living in Jerusalem, the City of GOD! Click the link below to learn how YOU can partner with us to extend Yeshua's arms to His people living in Israel.
Meet two grateful ladies, who have received their gifts from one of our partners from South Africa.